
Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

10 Tips for Successful Ezine Advertising

When it comes to advertising, I've tried just about everything. I tried free classified ad sites, I tried FFA sites, I tried banner exchange programs.
The results? Not much.
I was tired of hearing that the Internet is the largest market in human history. Maybe so, but how could I reach those millions of people?
The answer, I discovered, is ezine advertising.
Ezines are sometimes called 'opt-in' lists because everyone who receives an ezine has chosen to do so.
And that's why ezine advertising gets results. People read ezines and they'll read your ad. And if you've matched the ezine to the product you're selling, you've reached your target audience.
There are currently around 90,000 ezines being published every month. So whatever you're selling, there's more than likely an ezine that will take your ad straight to the audience you want to reach.
Ezine advertising is not only effective, it's cheap as well. A 5 line ad in an ezine that goes to 3000 people will cost you between $5 and $20 per issue.
As a general rule, you'll always get back at least the cost of the ad, and usually much more. So there's very little risk.
But there are some tips for successful ezine advertising. Here they are:
1. The first and most important rule is: "Track your Ads!" Say you place an ad in 5 different ezines and get a hundred responses. If you don't track your ads, you won't know which ezines were pulling responses and which weren't.
But how do you track your ads?
Then, when you get a reply with 'ezineA' in the subject field, you'll know which ezine it came from.
For a URL, it's the same principle:
However, if you're going to code your URLs, you'll need a good webstats program to track the coded URLs. Here's another way to code your URLs: for every ezine ad, create a duplicate of your homepage and name the page after the ezine that your ad will appear in. So, if the ad is appearing in EzineA

2. Target your audience. It may seem obvious but some advertisers overlook this. If you're selling a web-marketing course, don't advertise in an ezine that deals with stock options; they probably won't be interested.

Use the 'subject categories' in any ezine directory to find ezines that relate to the product you're selling. You can find a list of 56 ezine directories in 'The Free Directory of Ezines' at:
3. Once you've chosen a number of ezines that target your audience, subscribe to them and examine the ads closely. If you see an ad that keeps repeating issue after issue, you can be pretty sure that it's getting results. You've found a good ezine to advertise in.
4. Check to see how many ads are in the ezine. You probably won't get much response from an ad in an ezine that has 15 or 20 ads per issue. Readers of those ezines have become hardened to the ads and have learnt to skip them.
5. Check to see if the ezine publisher has a policy of never running ads for two similar products in the same issue - your ad will be much more effective if it's the only one of its kind in that particular issue.
6. Small ezines Vs. Big ezines: bigger is not always better. The big ezines with 1000's of subscribers tend to have more ads than the small ezines. Also, small ezines with only a few hundred subscribers often have a much more targeted audience than the big ezines.
7. Repeat your ads. Research shows that off the Web, an ad has to be seen about 21 times before someone acts on it; on the Internet it's about 9 times. If your budget allows, try and have your ad repeated at least three times in a particular ezine. Most ezines offer discount packages for bulk advertising.
8. Email address Vs. URL. The advantage of giving an email address is that it gives you the opportunity to send a powerful sales letter to the person who responded to your ad. It's also much easier to track your ads with an email address than a URL.
9. Offer something free in your ad copy. It'll often tip the balance between a response and no response.
10. Keep your ads short, even if you're not using the number of words you're allowed. Short ads are more likely to be read. Keep your sentences short too; they pack much more power. Use the word 'You'. Don't describe your product but tell the reader what your product can do for them.

10 Important Questions To Ask Web Developers Before Dishing Out the Dough

Assuming you already have a fairly good idea of what you want on your web site and will more than likely be writing your own copy or having it written for you, here are 10 questions you need answered to help you create an effective web site without breaking the bank or delaying your plans.

1. Price by project or by the hour? Accepting an hourly rate agreement gives you little control over costs unless you put a spending cap into effect. If you have to exercise the spending cap, what if your site is only partially complete? Inevitably, you will have to dish out more dough to get it finished and this is a strain you want to avoid as you start your new business.

2. Once the site is complete who will maintain it? If the developer offers this service, what are the costs and turn-around time? If you'd rather assume modification control, do they offer access to and training on editing software?

3. What is the expected completion date for the site? You want to be in a position to plan ahead for the launch. Having this information will allow you to organize your marketing efforts and prioritize all other plans that tie in to "going live".

4. What is the payment structure? Do they want all of the money up front? Half now, half upon completion? Make sure you hold back partial payment until your site is complete and you are fully satisfied with the results.

5. Will your designer submit your site to the search engines or will this be your responsibility? If this is your responsibility, do your homework to ensure you cover all the steps. (Keywords and META tags must be done prior to submission.

6. Who will be responsible for search engine optimization? This is usually an add-on service, so find out if your developer includes it with site development, offers it at an additional cost, or if you will have to contract it out to a third party.

7. Who will hold the master key to your site? Make sure you do! Don't leave this critical component of your business and marketing strategy in the control of a third party. Get all passwords and access to all data.

8. Will your developer teach you how to read your web logs/stats so you can understand the how, what, where and why of your visitors?

9. Has the developer designed other sites for your niche market?

10. Has the web designer provided a portfolio, testimonials or references from others in your niche market? Have you verified the references?

A web site is a major component of your marketing strategy and business success. Do your due diligence in selecting a web developer and don't hesitate to ask as many questions as it takes to fully understand both your and your developer's role in the process.

Poster Printing Domineering Influence

Posters are everywhere. When you walk through the alley, you see posters. When you pass by theatres and cinemas, you see posters. When your company promotes products or services, it uses posters. In your own room, chances are there are posters. What influence do posters have to have such a lasting effect on us?

Posters are widely used to advertise, announce or publicize anything worth knowing. They are pretty much in use in show business and the marketing world. These artsy works are sometimes made representations of a painting or photograph. They tickle our fantasies. They bring us back to reality. They make us think. They inspire. They condemn. They make us more relaxed. They trouble us. These are some of the domineering influences of posters. Without us knowing it, we are already captivated by its probing influence.

Posters are sure hit because of its effect to the viewers. In a just a short span of time your product or service can be made known to many. This is because of the enigmatic charm of posters. No wonder it is widely used to market movies all over the globe. Their enigma invites you to notice them and retain whatever you have read and seen. Harry Potter for instance used several posters to boost marketing. Even though the movie per se was already anticipated to go blockbuster still, posters are used to heighten the spirit of anticipation and intensify people's desire to watch it. These days, making movies is coupled with promotions. And one way to have quality promotions is by poster printing.

Poster printing nowadays, offers a wide array of services. In addition, they are offering customization where the customers can use their own pictures and images. They can also have the discretion to alter the shape and design of posters.

When you want poster printing services that are fabulous, be sure to get a reliable printing company. That way, you can be assured that you will be getting quality and flawless posters at the right time and at the right price.

If you have no idea what printing company to choose, you can ask your friends about their choice of printer. Another option is to go online. There are sample posters available in the Net. Browse then brose more to get the kind of posters that will suit your unique and delicate taste. Go for the printer that can fulfill your poster printing aim.

To Earn Extreme Wealth -- Offer Extreme Value

Everywhere you look people are trying to make money with new or existing businesses. Often you see somebody doing quite well with their business, obviously making some real money. But even more often, you see businesses of all sizes truly struggling. Some only stay in business for a few weeks or months before disappearing.

Let's get one thing clear. Just setting up shop won't guarantee you'll make money. This is a very competitive world and getting more competitive by the year. To earn extreme wealth, you've GOT to offer Extreme Value.

Customers everywhere LOVE Extreme Value. They'll line up and even offer to pay extra for it. Word of mouth will spread so quickly you may not even have to advertise.

That sounds good, but WHAT is extreme value? There are four simple ways most prospects and customers decide you're offering extreme value.

1. Your product, service, or opportunity must help people raise their standard of living. Folks have to be able to plainly see they will make more money or live better after they buy from you.

2. Make the learning curve as painless as possible. Goodness knows our world is complicated enough. With every new endeavor, it seems like you have to sit down and pour through an owner's manual or legal papers. These days people want and NEED products, services, and opportunities that are EASY to work. Show a prospect that it's easy and you'll often have a sale.

3. Help people relax and simplify. Most prospects are optimistic about their life and future, but they're frankly a bit tired and feel like the whole thing has gotten too complicated. What your offer should do is help them simplify, slow down, relax, and still maintain or improve their standard of living.

4. Show how buying from you helps people save. These days prices on just about everything are going up, up, up. Prospects everywhere are looking harder than ever for any opportunity to save a few dollars. If your product, service, or opportunity helps them save, you've got a winner.

Keep these four strategies in mind as you plan your next product or choose your next business opportunity. They're the keys to offering Extreme Value -- the surefire pathway to earning Extreme Profits.

Get paid For What You Think

Get Rich Quick Scams Revealed
Read this article before you consider paying for a "get rich quick" program.
From: Get paid

Everybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week. I've spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I found any "get rich quick" programs worth buying. I've been trying to make money online for a long time. I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn't require much work on my part, but I knew there were people out there doing better than I was and I knew I could do as well as them.
Now, I've seen a lot of "get rich quick" programs. Most of these people make claims about earning $2000/day with Google or something similarly insane. Almost all of these people are complete liars. Even if they were making $2000/day with Google AdSense, it'd be because they had high- traffic websites with a lot of quality content. I'd know, because in one whole month, I never even made half of what they promised I'd make daily with their programs. Maybe you've already been scammed by one of these fraudsters. Anyway, I finally got sick of what was being offered.
I decided I'd look through the all of the "get rich quick" programs I could find and see if there were any that were actually legitimate. I found that there were owners selling their programs for well over $100, but the information in them could be found almost anywhere online for free. Additionally, they all contained out-of-date information, had no e-mail support, no money back guarantees, and broken links in the downloads section.
 In conclusion, almost all of the programs I found were completely useless. The owners knew it, but they couldn't care less about their customers since they didn't offer refund policies! Amazingly, while looking through all of the programs, I actually did find a few legitimate programs. They were run by ordinary people like you and me, and they had found some great methods of making money from their home by doing very little work.
I spent some time working with those programs, and my income is now ten times what it used to be. These programs provided a large amount of great information on how to make extra money on your computer doing very little work. Numerous customers had provided great feedback and reviews for their products. Many of them have started to make money just days after buying!
Their programs have excellent prices, and the authors have a group of paid staff who are dedicating to helping you or providing assistance if you need any. I must say I was amazed! If you do decide to purchase any of the programs listed below, I recommend you join quickly. Most of the owners tell me they are getting an overwhelming number of sales and plan on raising prices in the near future, so order while prices are still low!
To Your Online Success,
Get paid

Multilevel Marketing

Multilevel marketing, also know as network marketing, is picking up a lot of steam. This is due in large part to the amount of people online that are hyping network marketing, and all of the profits that go along with it. And if you are interested in this type of marketing, you should not have any problem finding information online to help you get started. The bottom line is that MLM is here to stay. As soon as a decent amount of people started to cash the number of interested parties began to increase. And with this has come the notion that network marketing is not going anywhere. If you are not familiar with what multilevel marketing can do for you, you should bone up on the details as soon as possible.
Generally speaking, MLM is a way to make money when you sign people up for a certain service or product. And to take this a bit further, you can also make money when the people that you sign up recruit members of their own. So in general terms, you will make money with a pyramid type effect. For people that are interested in multilevel marketing, the best place to start searching is online. There are hundreds of companies that you can sign up with in order to make money. Just make sure that what you are doing is legal. There are many MLM schemes out there that are not legal in the majority of the states. You can avoid this without any complications by getting hooked up with a network marketing campaign that is run by a reputable company.

Look Into The Benefits

If you are not sure if a MLM business is right for you, look into the benefits that it offers.

Ask Questions
There are many online forums devoted to the industry. By becoming a member you can ask questions of more experienced multilevel marketers. They will be able to give you advice on where to start, and how to progress.

Read Upon MLM Industry

Simply put, you will want to read up as much as you can on the MLM industry before you get started. Just like anything else, the more that you know about something the better chance you have of being a success. Since network marketing is relatively new, it is very important that you are familiar with the industry as a whole. Multilevel marketing is definitely here to stay. There are enough people out there making money that the popularity will always be high. For people that are searching for a way to make cash online, multilevel marketing is always a good option. Overall, try out MLM if you are interested in a new way to make money online.

Whatever products they offer, MLM companies use essentially the same formula. They sign up sales representatives by offering them the opportunity to go into business for themselves with little or no start-up capital--and to make millions if
they're successful. How? Mainly by recruiting other salespeople. Unlike most businesses, an MLM company pays you a commission not only on your sales but also on the sales of all the people you've brought into the network, either directly
or indirectly. So if someone you recruit goes out and recruits a bunch of terrific salespeople--and they recruit more terrific salespeople--you stand to make a fortune. In fact, some people do.

B2B Indian importer portals fascinating results online!

Countries around the world choose Indian importers for a variety of commodity. Simple reason being the goods and services of India are not only cheap but most competitive and best in quality as well. Be it importers or wholesalers of black tiger, salt creek, microfeast products or silver jewelry with or with out stones such as pendants, spacers, tubes, clasps, hooks, ear wires, headpins, beadpins, silver links, etc.

If it's terracotta products you are looking for, find basket of products made out of terracotta such as terra cotta wall tiles, terra cotta pots, terra-cotta idols and other fascinating array of Indian terracotta crafts & craft items. Global traders are always on a look out for competitive Indian importers. As a result of it several b2b portals have sprung up to cater the needs of Indian manufacturers, Indian exporters as well importers from India and for other countries across the world. Online business to business portals offers you latest offers/leads of products/services of manufacturers & suppliers as well as service providers of India besides buyers from other countries. Indian importers are often sought after for Distribution of seafood such as fishes fillets, steaks, shrimps, prawns, crabs, dry fish, fresh water fishes, etc., from the leading brands. You can now find products of your choice from the Indian importers with just a click and order it in bulk too.

If you're finding it arduous to figure out Indian importers for your popular product, all that you have to do is reach out to a business portal which can offer you listings of the various Indian importers for a gamut of products and the rate of Indian imports and exports. Business directory offers complete Indian import export data with details of products and companies so that the information is exchanged at ease and with the result of business round the clock and in various countries of the world. Find apparel and accessories, automobiles and accessories, chemicals and plastics, gems and jewellery, plant and machinery, scientific instruments and other miscellaneous industries. Offers for all the products can be obtained on the various importer directory portals.

Ease out your burden simply with the help of a business to business portal. In other words, it facilitates all the business needs for all Indian importers and exporters. Try your online Indian importers directory for better results. Find online buyers and sellers for all your popular products ranging from accessories to automobiles, Gems to jewelry, apparel to machinery etc.

Growing the Leader in Us

"For what we've discovered, and rediscovered, is that leadership isn't the private reserve of a few charismatic men and women. It's a process ordinary people use when they're bringing forth the best from themselves and others. Liberate the leader in everyone, and extraordinary things happen."
- James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner, The Leadership Challenge: How to Keep Getting Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations

Leadership is a verb, not a noun. Leadership is action, not a position. Leadership is defined by what we do, not the role we are in. Some people in "leadership roles" are excellent leaders. But too many are bosses, "snoopervisors," technocrats, bureaucrats, managers, commanders, chiefs, and the like. Conversely, many people who have no formal leadership role are excellent leaders. In today's fast changing world, we all need to be leaders.

To lead is to show the way by going in advance. To lead is to guide or direct a course of action. To lead is to influence the behavior or opinion of others. We all need to be leaders, regardless of our formal title or role. This starts with inner self-leadership and moves outward to influence, guide, support, and lead others. The process of becoming a leader is the same as the process of becoming a highly effective human being. Leadership development is personal development. Leadership ultimately shows itself in what we do "out there." But it starts "in here."

It would be easy if we could all become leaders by following a simple set of steps. But the journey of personal growth means finding our own way. There are, however, critical areas of personal development based on timeless principles. The distance we need to grow along each leadership dimension will differ for each of us, but defining and continually growing along each of these paths is the way of the leader.

Strong leaders are well-rounded and constantly expanding their personal leadership across these key areas:

* Choose Not to Lose. Whether we choose to focus on our problems or our possibilities is a key leadership issue. When we are faced with obstacles and failure, those who can overcome adversity and learn from their experiences, turning them into opportunities, are the ones who will be truly successful.
* Focus and Context. THE CORE OF MY BEING: This is central to our growth along all the other dimensions. Our Focus and Context is shaped by three vital questions: Where am I going? (my vision); What do I believe in? (my principles and values) and; Why do I exist? (my purpose or mission).

* Responsibility For Choices. IF IT'S TO BE, IT'S UP TO ME: Leadership means accepting responsibility for our choices in life. Leaders realize that life accumulates, that choice more than chance determines their circumstances. They refuse to succumb to the "Victimitus Virus" ("it's all their fault" and "there's nothing I can do").
* Authenticity. GETTING REAL: Leadership isn't just what we do, it's something that we are, which then drives what we do. Genuine leadership comes from within. It's authentic, and based on honesty, integrity, and trust. We must ring true to ourselves by exploring our inner space, gathering feedback on our personal behavior, and ensuring consistency with our stated values and principles.
* Passion and Commitment. BEYOND NEAR-LIFE EXPERIENCES: Successful people are energized by a love for what they do because it brings them ever closer to who they are. They overcome apathy and cynicism, develop a burning commitment to their cause, and with discipline achieve their dreams and desires.
* Spirit and Meaning. WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL: What is the purpose of our work? Of our lives? Material success alone is not enough. Leaders seek within - and find something more. In what is too often a mad dash from cradle to grave, we need to take time - in work and life - to nourish our inner selves.
* Growing and Developing. FROM PHASE OF LIFE TO WAY OF LIFE: The popular goals of security, stability, and predictability are deadly. The closer we get to these dangerous goals, the more our growth is stunted. True and lasting security comes from constant growth and development, based on regular R&R (reflection and renewal).
* Mobilizing and Energizing. PUTTING EMOTIONS IN MOTION: Leaders don't motivate with rewards and punishments. Whether at home or in the workplace, they energize people to motivate themselves. Highly effective leaders boost the energy of others with their passion and appreciation. They engage people's hearts as well as their minds. They get them involved and participating. They actively nurture the "being" or culture of the group, not just the "doing."

The more the world changes, the more leadership principles stay the same. Leadership principles are timeless. And they apply to all of us, no matter what role we play in society or organizations.

What is slowing your PC?

It's always the same old story, you buy a brand new PC and everything seems to be working fine. After six months you find that everything is working a bit slower - applications take a few seconds to open, some windows freeze, and more. After a couple of years it becomes simply unbearable. Have you ever wondered what is slowing your PC?

Security software, constantly growing and slowing your PC
One of the biggest contributors to the constant decrease in the PCs performance is the security software that is trying to protect it. It is widely reported that security software installed on a PC can dramatically reduce its performance. In fact, PC World has recently revealed that one of the top selling security suites "may slow your PC unacceptably"*.

* PC World UK – May 2007

How security software slows the PC?
Processing by multiple engines – security packages include multiple engines and often these engines were developed by different vendors. These different engines often employ security methods that contradict each other, resulting in conflicts and memory leaks that may even generate blue screens and system errors and may slow your PC dramatically.

Constant updates – daily security updates make security software an ever growing strain on performance. These security updates include both signatures and new code that is added to the increasingly large footprint. As time goes by, the security software consumes more and more of your PC's CPU and memory.

The Solution – Yoggie Pico Offloads Security Tasks
Yoggie Pico offloads the security tasks from your PC, freeing your PC resources to maximize performance. Both processing and security updates reside on the Yoggie Pico itself, dramatically saving CPU and memory usage. All the security applications that you will need to completely protect your laptop work harmoniously inside Yoggie Pico. Furthermore, Yoggie Pico's patented Multi-Layer Security Agent™ coordinates between the different security components to provide early detection of new attacks as they begin their operation.

Thinking of using Anjouan as an offshore financial center?

Anjouan - This is a little island country located off the coast of Tanzania which is Africa. The Island is in the Straits of Mozambique. It is part of the Comoros Island geographically but in 1997 Anjouan broke away from the Comoros Islands and declared independence. Since the Comoros Islands independence from France in 1975 there have been 19 coups or attempts in the Comoros Islands. In 2002 they held elections and each of the 19 Comoros Islands has its own President. The country is 12 times the size of Washington, D.C. Their population is about 750,000. 98% of the people are Sunni Muslim. Alcohol is forbidden. Mosques are plentiful. They have four airports, five Internet providers. This is one of the poorest countries in the world.

Anjouan Corporations - They seem to have bearer share corporations. Their prices are very high when you get finished with resident agent, nominees, etc. It is unclear as to where they stand on cooperation. It is going to be extremely hard if not impossible to open a bank account with such a corporation. For one the banks will not know how to do the due diligence on the corporation.

Secondly this is not a recognized offshore jurisdiction, which will scare the bank.

Thirdly it would be most difficult if not impossible to execute a real estate transaction using such a corporation for reasons of due diligence and the general unfamiliarity with Anjouan as an offshore jurisdiction.

Anjouan Banking Licenses - No doubt Anjouan will sell you or anyone else with the requisite funds a banking license. Trying to operate an international bank with this license would be extremely difficult if not impossible in our opinion, we lean towards impossible. How are you going to get correspondent banks in the EU for Euro transactions, in the USA for USD transactions etc? FATF regulations call for the bank to have a brick and mortar presence. This means the bank needs to have offices with tellers, employees, guards, vault etc. It is doubtful that you would set up such an operation in Anjouan even if they even let you do so.

Next what bank is going to act as your correspondent and what would they charge you if they even accepted you? Correspondent fees can easily be $200,000 for the annual fee plus a percentage of the transactions, wire fees, etc. A correspondent bank can lose its banking license for allowing you to commit violations. So after a large expenditure of money you will have a banking license that you can probably do nothing practical with.

But consider what would happen if you actually got going and had $25,000,000 in deposits and the Anjouan government banking commissioner conducted an audit and found violations of their banking laws and practices, inconsistencies, loans they were not comfortable with, deposits where they did not like the due diligence and source of funds documentation, etc. Why they might have no choice other than to put your bank into receivership, appointing an accountant or lawyer on the island to liquidate the banks assets. This means close your bank, seize the assets, possibly investigate the source of funds, maybe charge you, and so forth. The legal fees might run into many millions of dollars. The depositors would do well if they got any money back.

One liquidation in Latvia a few years back netted the depositors 2% of their deposits. Bank liquidations in Grenada more recently got even less than 2% of their money back and in some cases the bank that was closed by Grenada had several hundred millions of dollars. If you did not know this Grenada shut down all of its offshore banks except for one in 2003. Your former depositors will get all sorts of international orders calling for all sorts of things to happen to you and your assets. Life might not be pleasant for the next five or ten years and there is no one to run to for help since this would be considered an Anjouan affair.

Anjouan Gaming and Insurance Licenses Are Also Available - See above.

Conclusion - Getting a bank or an insurance license is not so easy. If it were many would do it. Before you believe any of these obscure jurisdiction banks are real have them send you a wire for $50.00. First send them the wire. Make sure you understand wiring instructions. Do not be confused between having a regular bank account at a bank and a correspondent banking relationship. Trying to operate a bank through a regular bank account will be over in a few days or weeks at most and then the account will be closed and you may have trouble with the return of funds for pulling a move like this on a bank. The correspondent banks will surely complain and that will be the beginning of the end.

Over the years numerous jurisdictions have popped up selling all sorts of licenses, corporations etc. None of them survive. The real offshore jurisdictions are extremely tight regarding the issuance of banking licenses. Belize, BVI, Dominican Republic together have not issued any banking licenses in the last five years. Caveat Emptor.

Niche Marketing means different things to different people.

The term niche marketing means different things to different people.Generally it is known to mean the developing of websites in sub mainstream market segments to profit from selling products, generating advertising revenue or other forms of website monetization.

Niche marketing is effective because it allows you to operate in markets that are less competitive meaning you have the potential as a new or seasoned marketer to capitalize on big opportunities with relative ease and far less cost.

Particularly for new marketers, niche marketing can be the key to riches because it allows you to compete on a level playing field. You don't have to jump into the ring with the heavy weights, you can develop your skills in the junior divisions before moving into the big leagues.

If you pick the right niche you can build your site, extablish yourself as an expert, sell your own products, recommend other people's products, the opportunities can be endless and good money can certainly be made.

The trouble is that as niche marketing grows in popularity, many of the markets we called niche markets are now not so nichey at all, they're almost as bad as mainstream markets in terms of their competitiveness and difficulty to profit from.

The markets that spring to mind are things like acne, dog training, or anxiety. Markets like these, while they can still be profitable will not make the average web marketer alot of money at all. Even the more nichey versions, acne treatments, dog training videos or anxiety relief are difficult for most people to compete in and make money. <

Then there's the other extreme. You can go to the tiny tiny niches that get almost no search volume. You can find "long tail" keywords like 'pug training schools in atlanta" or "acne treatments that work in 2 days". The problem with these are, 1. that they often don't get enough traffic and 2. they are so specific that even if you can drive traffic, there isn't much you can do to serve those people except show them ads. Again this can be profitable if you know how to do it but it seems like there just has to be an easier way...

The niche marketers that really make the most money are those that know how to find the perfect balance between competition and search volume. Not only that but they know how to analyze the nature of a niche market to determine how much potential it really has before they enter it.

By doing this they find markets that can make them big money very quickly, faster than most people think possible.

Then when they do find markets they know how to make sites that will capitalize on them as effectively and efficiently as soon as possible. The result? Big profits, easily, and quickly.

There is no doubt that niche marketing although often a tricky game, can be wildly profitable when done right.

How Important Are Certificates of Authenticity?

Some publishers (and galleries) provide comprehensive Certificates of Authentication with the art they sell. These authentications give information that may include the name of the artist, title of the work, year the editions were issued, the total edition size, the number of proofs, the name of the publisher and/or the printer, information about paper quality, dimensions, the individual print number, etc.

Some publishers furnish "blank" certificates to galleries who are expected to fill them out themselves.

With today's printing technology, it certainly would be easy to duplicate a publisher's certificate and /or alter the original information. So what good are these certificates?

While they do provide worthwhile information, much of that can be obtained from the print itself and/or from the invoice.

Without a doubt, a collector's best safeguard is purchasing from a stable retail gallery - one with a solid history of reputability and with a retail location that you can visit.

Gallery One's suggestion: If furnished with paperwork relative to your art purchase, retain it. (You just might want to refer to it in the future!) You can make pertinent notes on the invoice - recording the print number, the correct spelling of the artist's first name (if that does not appear on your invoice) and any other information that you might want to refer to in the future. Keep the original paperwork in your "files" and make a copy to store in an envelope stapled or taped to the back of your frame.

An added note: We've been in business for 30+ years...and when we prepare to purchase art, we ask a lot of questions (and conduct meticulous inspections) to determine quality and condition. The one question we do not recall asking is: "Does a certificate of authentication accompany the print?"

5 Benefits Of Using Feeds - How Feeds Can Help Your Ebiz

What's a Feed?

Feeds are a way of sharing content. When you make material from your website available for publishing on other sites, you provide them with a feed. Basically, it's a code that lets them post your articles and blogs. There are different kinds of code-XML, RSS, Atom, etc.-but essentially they're all just different ways of accessing a feed.

According to internet expert Sydney Johnston, "The great thing about a feed is everybody wins." The article writer gains exposure, the reader learns about something of interest to them, and the online seller gets an endless source of pertinent content.

What Can a Feed Do for My Online Business?

Feeds are useful in a number of different ways:

• They Eliminate Spam-filters. They're 100% opt-in, so readers can subscribe and unsubscribe at will. Feeds are delivered directly to your subscribers, so you don't contend with filters knocking you out of their inboxes.

• They Provide Free Content. One of the best ways to differentiate your site is to supply readers with interesting material-educate them on topics relating to the product you're selling. If you sell preschool toys, chances are you don't want to study child development and write numerous articles on the subject-so find someone else who's already done that and make their feed available to your customers. The constantly updating, applicable subject matter gives your visitors a reason to keep coming back

• They Can Improve Your Search Engine Rankings. In the past, search engines were unable to read feeds, but software is now available to translate them into live links the engines can see. Search engines love fresh, dynamic content, so feeds are ideal. They provide relevant information that updates automatically. Not only do your customers get the facts they're looking for, but the search engines like your site and give it better position.

• For Affiliate Marketers, They're an Alternative to Banners. You not only give your customer valuable knowledge, but if they click through and purchase something, you get credit. And unlike with banners, you don't look like you're putting up junk ads or spam.

• They Can Increase Your Traffic. Anything you write, you should make available as a feed. When other sites pick it up, it's free advertising for you-all their traffic is able to click through the feed to your site. So you gain new potential customers you wouldn't have otherwise.

Feeds on any subject are easy to find. There's a whole collection of search engines just for feeds, like and Says Johnston, "The future of the internet for entrepreneurs is feeds. If people don't master them, they're going to get left behind, period."

10 Tips for Easy Fundraising with Memorial Bricks

So, you're looking for a fundraising project for a school, sports team or construction project and you're thinking about engraved bricks. Brick fundraising is pretty simple, but what are the pitfalls?

We talked to Larry Cannon , who's been engraving bricks for fundraisers since 1988. He offers the following advice before you embark on the campaign…..

1. First look at your donor database. How likely are they to contribute to your new cause? Take nothing for granted. Don't assume that people will donate without a good strategy.

2. Think about who you're targeting. You should expect about 20% of your database to contribute. But…how interested are they in your project? How committed are they? How are they doing financially?

4. Think about the best time to mail donation requests. Timing is everything in fundraising.

5. Think of the best way to word it. Should you play on their sympathies or emphasize that their name on a brick is a memorial will last beyond their life?

6. The project chair will make or break the project. Don't let just anyone do it…get volunteers with the time and energy to put into the project.

7. How much money do you want to raise? Come into the project with an established goal.

8. Decide how much money people will donate to purchase a brick. Subtract the costs from the brick manufacturer and the difference is direct profit..

9. What about donor level appreciation? Do you want to honor different levels of donor contribution? If so….how? Some options are brick placement, size of bricks, number of words on the brick, emblems or logos on the bricks….

10. Can you get services donated? Does someone in the group know a brick mason who'll donate their time to lay the brick, build the wall or whatever? If not, the cost for hiring one must come from the raised donations.

10 Sizzling Offers That Sell Like Crazy!

One of the best way to increase your sales is to offer your potential customers a special offer. It could be
trial offers, discounts, purchase awards, etc. Below are ten sizzling offers you could use to sell your
products like crazy.

1. You could offer your potential customers a free sample of your product. If the sample proves what
you claim, there is a high chance they will buy it.

2. You could give your potential customers a free trial of your product or service. Tell them you won't
bill them for 30 days.

3. You could offer your potential customers a rebate after they buy your product or service. They will feel
they are getting a good deal.

4. You could offer your potential customers a monthly payment plan. Tell them they can pay for your product
or service with three easy monthly payments.

5. You could reward your potential customers if they buy a specific number of products. Tell them if they
buy 3 or more products, they will get one free.

6. You could reward your potential customers if they spend over a specific dollar amount. Tell them if they
spend over $100, they get a 10% discount.

7. You could hold a holiday sale for your potential customers. Tell them everything on your web site is
discounted up to 50% on Thanksgiving Day.

8. You could hold a buy one get one free sale for your potential customers. Tell them if they buy one product,
they get another product for free at the same value.

9. You could hold a special $1 sale for your potential customers. They'll come to your web site to buy your
product for only a dollar, but may buy other products.

10. You could offer your potential customers a bonus coupon when they buy one of your products. It could
be a coupon for another product you sell.